quotations about writing
Some people talk to themselves, and some people write, and somehow society has decided that one gets committed and one gets a paycheck.
official website
You keep working on your piece over and over, trying to get the sections and paragraphs and sentences and the whole just right, but there's a point at which you can tell you've begun hurting the work with your perfectionism. Then you have to release the work to new eyes.
"Q&A: Anne Lamott", San Diego Magazine, January 27, 2014
Many great writers address audiences who do not exist; to address passionately and sometimes with very great wisdom people who do not exist has this advantage--that there will always be a group of people who, seeing a man shouting apparently at somebody or other, and seeing nobody else in sight, will think it is they who are being addressed.
The Art of Being Ruled
With films, I just scribble a couple of notes for a scene. You don't have to do any writing at all, you just have your notes for the scene, which are written with the actors and the camera in mind. The actual script is a necessity for casting and budgeting, but the end product often doesn't bear much resemblance to the script--at least in my case.
The Paris Review, fall 1995
That's also part of having great editors -- they can sort of be honest with you and say, "I see where you're headed with this, but I don't think it's there yet. Dig deeper, babe, and come back with something more." And that's what you do, you dig waaaaaaaay down and you walk around the block eight million times and then you have it -- shazam! And it all comes together in something soooo much better than you thought you were capable of.
interview, Author's Den
Sometimes I think that my best writing comes from exposing my fears and vulnerabilities and hoping that nobody notices it's about me.
Twitter post, October 13, 2014
Writing is about growth, challenge and change. Without those things, there's no joy in it.
"Best-Selling Author Veronica Roth Tells What Writing Books Is Really Like", Entrepreneur, March 30, 2017
Nothing bad can happen to a writer. Everything is material.
attributed, Literary Agents: How to Get & Work With the Right One For You
I can't leave a chapter alone until I think it's as good as I can make it at that time. Often I will reach a stage, say, a third of the way into the book, where I realize there's something very wrong. Everything starts to feel shallow and false and unsatisfactory. At that stage I'll go back to the beginning. I might have written only fifty pages, but it's like a cantilever and the whole thing is getting very shaky because I haven't thought things through properly. So I'll start again and I'll write all the way through and then just keep going until it starts to get shaky again, and then I'll go back because I'll know that there's something really considerable, something deeply necessary waiting to be discovered or made. Often these are unbelievably big things. Sometimes they are things that readers will ultimately think the book is about.
The Paris Review, summer 2006
Any writer of any worth at all hopes to play only a pocket-torch of light -- and rarely, through genius, a sudden flambeau -- into the bloody yet beautiful labyrinth of human experience, of being.
Nobel Lecture, December 7, 1991
When I hear about some sensational new writer I sort of think, Shut up ... you've got to be around for a long time before you can really say you're a writer. You've got to stand the test of time, which is the only real test there is.
"The Past Gets Bigger and the Future Shrinks", Los Angeles Review of Books, July 21, 2013
"Writing" is the Latin of our times. The modern language of the people is video and sound.
Wikimania 2006
Writing is like hunting. There are brutally cold afternoons with nothing in sight, only the wind and your breaking heart. Then the moment when you bag something big.... This is a trophy brought back from the further realm, the kingdom of perpetual glistening night where we know ourselves absolutely. This one goes on the wall.
attributed, From Book to Bestseller
Having your book turned into a movie is like seeing your oxen turned into bouillon cubes.
attributed, Bad TV: The Very Best of the Very Worst
I really think that reading is just as important as writing when you're trying to be a writer. Because it's the only apprenticeship we have.
"Nov. 26th: Writing Advice (And Notes on Surnameless Tiffany)", YouTube
Lucky the one who writes in a book of spiral-bound mornings
a future in ink, who writes hand unshaking
I never quite know when I'm not writing. Sometimes my wife comes up to me at a party and says, "Dammit, Thurber, stop writing." She usually catches me in the middle of a paragraph. Or my daughter will look up from the dinner table and ask, "Is he sick?" "No," my wife says, "he's writing something." I have to do it that way on account of my eyes. I still write occasionally--in the proper sense of the word--using black crayon on yellow paper and getting perhaps twenty words to the page. My usual method, though, is to spend the mornings turning over the text in my mind. Then in the afternoon, between two and five, I call in a secretary and dictate to her. I can do about two thousand words. It took me about ten years to learn.
The Paris Review, fall 1955
I have no taste for either poverty or honest labor, so writing is the only recourse left for me.
The Proud Highway
To write is to act.
Letters to Young Men
A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment from which to look back or from which to look ahead.
The End of the Affair