quotations about wealth

There's a common misconception that wealth is a fixed pie, and that therefore for one person to have a lot of wealth requires somebody else to have less (the narrative often goes that wealthy people stole their wealth from poor and middle class people) ... [but] wealth can grow, so that even if someone's percentage of the pie remains the same, they will benefit from that individual slice getting bigger.


"Bernie Sanders on the Koch Brothers and Libertarian Ideas", The Libertarian Republic, April 18, 2017

It is doubtful if even experience of riches and success is as intense among those who have experienced nothing else as among those who have also experienced poverty and failure. There is little romance in wealth to those who have been born wealthy and whose families have been wealthy for generations.


The Little Angel: A Book of Essays

Tags: Robert Wilson Lynd

Some people aren't meant to be rich. It's like when Babe Ruth was the greatest home run hitter. There had never been anybody like him, and his teammates would ask, "Babe, Babe, how do you hit the long ball?" And he'd say, "I don't know, man. I just swing at it." I see it like that. It's just something you have, something you're born with. Many people don't have the ability to be rich, because they're too lazy or they don't have the desire or the stick-to-itiveness. It's a talent. Some people have a talent for piano. Some people have a talent for raising a family. Some people have a talent for golf. I just happen to have a talent for making money.


Playboy, October 2004

Small aid is wealth for daily gladness; once a man be done with hunger, rich and poor are all as one.



Tags: Euripides

Wealth--the most excellent of all gods.



Tags: Aristophanes

Great wealth may be to its owner a blessing or a curse. Alas! I fear it is too often the latter. It hardens the heart, blunts the finer susceptibilities, and transforms into a fiend what under more favourable circumstances might have been a human being.


A Question of Sex

Tags: Arnold Bennett

Wealth is an engine that can be used for power, if you are an engineer; but to be tied to the fly wheel of an engine is rather a misfortune.


The American Bible

Tags: Elbert Hubbard

In my seasoned experience as a grouchy broke person, and my many years of coaching countless people on the topic of wealth, I've discovered that few things make people want to fight, vomit, or ask for their money back more than telling them that one must be rich to be successful and complete.


You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth

So long as all the increased wealth which modern progress brings goes but to build up great fortunes, to increase luxury and make sharper the contrast between the House of Have and the House of Want, progress is not real and cannot be permanent.


Progress and Poverty

Tags: Henry George

A man is rich whose income is larger than his expenses, and he is poor if his expenses are greater than his income.


"Of the Gifts of Fortune", Les Caractères

Wealth is a tool of freedom. But the pursuit of wealth is the way to slavery.


God Emperor of Dune

Tags: Frank Herbert

While some multimillionaires started in poverty, most did not. A study of the origins of 303 textile, railroad and steel executives of the 1870s showed that 90 percent came from middle- or upper-class families. The Horatio Alger stories of "rags to riches" were true for a few men, but mostly a myth, and a useful myth for control.


A People's History of the United States

Tags: Howard Zinn

The aspiration to wealth is deeply understantable. Getting high income from a good job is all well and good, but because wealth begets more wealth -- people are compensated simply for owning things -- wealth is, potentially, forever. It persists, and spreads through families and dynasties. Wealth can, and often does, endure for generations.


"New Data Reveal the Depressing Truth About How Wealth Is Amassed in America", AlterNet, January 6, 2017

When Wealth walks in at the Door, the Press Agent comes in through the Window.


"The Through Train", Knocking the Neighbors

The wise man knoweth where to stop, as he runneth in the race of fortune,
For experience of old hath taught him, that happiness lingered midway;
And many in hot pursuit have hasted to the goal of wealth,
But have lost, as they ran, those apples of gold--the mind and the power to enjoy it.


Proverbial Philosophy

Tags: Martin Farquhar Tupper

Beauty and strength were, both of them, much esteemed;
Then wealth was discovered and soon after gold
Which quickly became more honoured than strength or beauty.
For men, however strong or beautiful,
Generally follow the train of a richer man.


De Rerum Natura

Tags: Lucretius

Our wealth is often a snare to ourselves, and always a temptation to others.



Get rich or die tryin'.


Get Rich or Die Tryin'

Tags: 50 Cent

Wealth has never the value to its possessor as it is supposed to have by an avaricious admirer.


The Westminster Review, January 1914

Successfully navigating wealth is a bit like flying a jetliner -- two, well-matched wings are required. One strong and one weak wing won't do; failure of either wing is catastrophic. In many families that flounder, the "planning wing" has received disproportionate attention -- trusts are established, advisors are in place, tax strategies are adopted and investment approaches are calibrated. The planning is superb. But, these complex structures comprise only one wing of the plane, and the other is equally important: family "culture."


"Wealth Planning Structures Must Match Family Cultures", Wealth Management, April 5, 2017