quotations about war

History teaches that wars begin when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.


Address to the Nation, January 16, 1984

Tags: Ronald Reagan

In this day and age, our world cannot endure the effects of a global war. We are at the point where single governments can decimate entire populations at the push of a button. We have developed the capacity to destroy ourselves, our entire human race. We continuously live balancing on the edge of a knife's blade.


"War is the true enemy", Orillia Packet & Times, April 19, 2017

War is what happens when language fails.


The Robber Bride

Tags: Margaret Atwood

On the whole, more men had perhaps escaped into the war than from it.


Beware of Pity

Tags: Stefan Zweig

To call war the soil of courage and virtue is like calling debauchery the soil of love.


The Life of Reason

I came to the conclusion that war was an unacceptable way of solving whatever problems there were in the world--that there would be problems of tyranny, of injustice, of nations crossing frontiers and that injustice and tyranny should not be tolerated and should be fought and resisted, but the one thing that must not be used to solve that problem is war. Because war is inevitably the indiscriminate killing of large numbers of people. And that fact overwhelms whatever moral cause is somewhere buried in the history of that war.


Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches, 1963-2009

Tags: Howard Zinn

The power of making war often prevents it.


letter to General Washington, December 4, 1788

Tags: Thomas Jefferson

I cannot now, as I once did, talk lightly, thoughtlessly, of fighting with this or that nation. That nation is no longer an abstraction to me. It is no longer a vague mass. It spreads out before me into individuals, in a thousand interesting forms and relations. It consists of husbands and wives, parents and children, who love one another as I love my own home. It consists of affectionate women and sweet children. It consists of Christians united with me to the common Savior, and in whose spirit I recognize the likeness of his divine virtue. It consists of a vast multitude of laborers at the plough and in the workshop, whose toils I sympathize with, whose burden I should rejoice to lighten, and for whose elevation I have pleaded. It consists of men of science, taste, genius, whose writings have beguiled my solitary hours, and given life to my intellect and best affections. Here is the nation which I am called to fight with, into whose families I must send mourning, whose fall or humiliation I must seek through blood. I cannot do it without a clear commission from God.



Tags: William E. Channing

It is not numbers or strength that bring the victories in war. No, it is when one side goes against the enemy with the gods' gift of a stronger morale that their adversaries, as a rule, cannot withstand them.


The Persian Expedition

Tags: Xenophon

War is more like a novel than it is like real life and that is its eternal fascination. It is a thing based on reality but invented, it is a dream made real, all the things that make a novel but not really life.


Paris France

Tags: Gertrude Stein

War may be the game of kings, but, like the games at ancient Rome, it is generally exhibited to please and pacify the people.


Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd

Tags: Arthur Helps

Perhaps, when we remember wars, we should take off our clothes and paint ourselves blue and go on all fours all day long and grunt like pigs. That would surely be more appropriate than noble oratory and shows of flags and well-oiled guns.


Cat's Cradle

Tags: Kurt Vonnegut

Weary war with the bated breath,
Skeleton boy against skeleton Death.


"Little Giffen of Tennessee"

Tags: Francis O. Ticknor

People who have lived through a war know that as it approaches, an at first secret, unacknowledged, elation begins, as if an almost inaudible drum is beating ... an awful, illicit, violent excitement is abroad. Then the elation becomes too strong to be ignored or overlooked: then everyone is possessed by it.


Prisons We Choose to Live Inside

Tags: Doris Lessing

For as long as men and women have talked about war, they have talked about it in terms of right and wrong. And for almost as long, some among them have derided such talk, called it a charade, insisted that war lies beyond (or beneath) moral judgment. War is a world apart, where life itself is at stake, where human nature is reduced to its elemental forms, where self-interest and necessity prevail. Here men and women do what they must to save themselves and their communities, and morality and law have no place. Inter arma silent leges: in time of war the law is silent.


Just and Unjust Wars

In a real war, no one knew which side he was on, and there were no flags or commentators or winners.


Empire of the Sun

Tags: J. G. Ballard

If civilization has an opposite, it is war. Of these two things, you have either one, or the other. Not both.


The Left Hand of Darkness

Tags: Ursula K. Le Guin

Men who fight wars in winter don't live till spring.


Planet of Exile

Tags: Ursula K. Le Guin

The chief reason warfare is still with us is neither a secret death-wish of the human species, nor an irrepressible instinct of aggression, nor, finally and more plausibly, the serious economic and social dangers inherent in disarmament, but the simple fact that no substitute for this final arbiter in international affairs has yet appeared on the political scene.


"On Violence", Crises of the Republic

Tags: Hannah Arendt

It is idle to say that we are still able to carry on the war, if we cannot carry it on without renouncing, for the sake of revenue, the means of making war with effect. It is like a soldier selling his arms, to enable him to continue his march.


War in Disguise