quotations about pregnancy

When I got pregnant, I had so much testosterone in me that I grew a beard. I only cropped it last night. It's actually true. I'm not telling a joke. I actually have a beard, but I'm proud of it. I call it Larry.


"13 Brutally Honest Celebrity Quotes About Pregnancy", Marie Claire, March 30, 2016

Pregnancy seems designed to prepare you for life as a mother. You start making sacrifices nine months before the child is born, so by the time they put in an appearance you are used to giving things up for them.


My Big Fat Gay Life

I look at pregnancy as this nascent time -- you're growing something mysteriously in your body. And because you're embarking on creating part of the next generation, it's such an opportune time to look back at your own history.


"Therapy during pregnancy is crucial for mental health of mother and baby", The Star, October 17, 2016

Pregnancy is the only time when you can do nothing at all and still be productive.


20,000 Quips & Quotes

Being pregnant is a pretty tough gig. You're trying to grow a whole other person, you're tired, your feet hurt, and you're a little scared about the big changes you know are coming.


"Pregnant Women Are Treated Unfairly In The Workplace & Yes, It's 2016", Romper, May 3, 2016

First pregnancy: I'm huge! Look at this! I can barely wear my size small non-maternity shirts and I'm only 18 weeks along!

Second pregnancy: Screw it, I'm wearing maternity pants at 8 weeks and no one can tell me not to.


"5 Ways My Second Pregnancy Is Different Than My First", Huffington Post, April 25, 2016

It's easy to go on and on about how beautiful and magical and wonderful pregnancy is. For so many women, of course, it is. There's absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating something as awe-inspiring as a woman growing another human being inside her body. Still, there are moments when you realize pregnancy is a horror movie, and that's honestly the only way you can accurately describe what you're experiencing. The movement; the projectile vomiting (thanks morning sickness); the inevitable person coming out of your body; it's all something a straight from the scariest movie you've ever seen.


"12 Moments When You Realize Pregnancy Is Exactly Like A Horror Movie", Romper, September 28, 2016

My number one fear during my most recent pregnancy was making it to the hospital in time. I actually had a contingency plan, just in case I found myself delivering on the side of the road or in a parking lot somewhere. We left the house way too early because we live over an hour from the hospital and, well, you can never be too careful, right? I ended up going to the mall and walking around for at least two hours and still checked into the hospital 12 hours before I actually gave birth.


"10 Moments During Labor And Delivery That Are Just Plain Terrifying For Anyone", Romper, October 19, 2016

Pregnancy can be a stressful and overwhelming time. You may be overjoyed at the thought of having a baby one day, and then the next day start wondering what you've got yourself into. You may be worried about whether you'll be a good mom, whether the baby will be healthy, and how the cost of having a child will affect your family's future finances. And you may worry about how your relationship with your partner and your other children will be affected--whether you'll still be able to give them the attention they need. As unsettling as this is (especially if you pride yourself on being in control), try to remind yourself that emotional upheaval is normal at this stage.


Babycenter Pregnancy: From Preconception to Birth

Pregnancy, usually, ends with a human being springing forth from your person. If you've seen Alien, and you could sit through that scene where the tiny alien comes out of a person's stomach, you've basically seen childbirth in action.


"12 Moments When You Realize Pregnancy Is Exactly Like A Horror Movie", Romper, September 28, 2016

Pregnant women are often treated as though they are little more than containers for unborn children.


Bodies: Exploring Fluid Boundaries

Pregnancy is getting company inside one's skin.


attributed, Postcards from the Bump

Pregnancy humbles husbands. After an initial rush of male pride they quickly recognise the minor role that nature had assigned them in the drama of reproduction.



Tags: Jeffrey Eugenides

It makes me feel like a woman. It makes me feel that all the things about my body are suddenly there for a reason. It makes you feel round and supple, and to have a little life inside you is amazing.


Vanity Fair, July 2008

Tags: Angelina Jolie

Pregnancy can be a time when you take tremendous pleasure in eating, not only because you may enjoy food more but also because you know that it is nourishing both you and your baby.


Every Woman's Guide to Eating During Pregnancy

I really thought "I got this," when I became pregnant the second time. I had been through it once, without incident, and had a healthy child as a result. But no two pregnancies are identical, even with the same mother. It was one thing to go along with the unexpected the first time, but it was frustrating to have the same lack of control during a subsequent pregnancy. Maybe this only applies to moms like me, with Type A personalities, but I was aggravated that my second pregnancy didn't mimic my first and I had to figure it out all over again.


"10 Reasons Your Second Pregnancy Is Way Harder Than Your First", Romper, October 7, 2016

Being pregnant could be considered something of a disadvantage as far as finding the perfect outfit goes, but when it comes to finding the perfect Halloween costume? That's when pregnancy is a definite plus! There are so many fun and funny ways to dress up a bump!


"Halloween Guide", Cafe Mom, September 20, 2016

In pregnancy, there are two bodies, one inside the other. Two people live under one skin.... When so much of life is dedicated to maintaining our integrity as distinct beings, this bodily tandem is an uncanny fact.


Pregnancy: The Inside Story

Tags: Joan Raphael-Leff

Fears are a normal part of pregnancy: explore them with your partner or a good friend, being as honest as you can. Take your anxieties seriously and talk them through: they aren't irrational or neurotic, they always have a basis in reality.


Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, and Your Baby's First Year

There is no way out of the experience except through it, because it is not really your experience at all but the baby's. Your body is the child's instrument of birth.


Your Baby & Child: From Birth to Age Five