quotations about postmodern theatre
Given technological developments in virtual reality and communications, it is not clear what, if any, purpose will be served by live theatre in the not-too-distant future. Postmodern theory sees theatre as a quaint and marginalized activity in a wired world, and ... whether live theatre even really exists anymore. Some of you may dream of seeing your name up in lights on a theatre marquee, but if you are really looking for fame and fortune shouldn't you be studying film at least, or television arts, or computers? What is it about theatre that remains compelling for you? Is it just because it's there?
Theory Theatre and Introduction
Postmodern theatre raises theory to the rank of a playful activity; it suggests as the only inheritance the faculty of replaying the past, rather than pretending to recreate and absorb it.
Theatre at the Crossroads of Culture
Challenging the boundaries of what constitutes classical drama, as well as the space in which that drama occurs, much of postmodern drama might be called performances, or happenings, and overlaps with the performance in body art.
Beginning Postmodernism
Postmodernist theatre raises more questions than it answers.
"Savage melodies, clown-children, and pink plastic membranes: does postmodernist theatre go too far?", Oxford Student, November 1, 2014
The mirror which postmodern theatre shows to its spectators may seem in some respects, a shattered one. It consists of numerous disparate elements which, even as a whole, render no meaningful unit, can reveal no unifying image. The image reflected by postmodern theatre is one of many "Others."
The Show and the Gaze of Theatre: A European Perspective