quotations about love
Love for those too easily won does not last long.
Love cannot be cured by herbs.
Are not all loves secretly the same? A hundred flowers sprung from a single root.
Delirium's Mistress
Didn't love, like a plant from India, require a prepared soil, a particular temperature? Sighs in the moonlight, long embraces, tears flowing over hands yielded to a lover, all the fevers of the flesh and the languors of tenderness thus could not be separated from the balconies of great châteaux filled with idle amusements, a boudoir with silk blinds, a good thick carpet, full of pots of flowers, and a bed raised on a dais, nor from the sparkle of precious stones and shoulder knots on servants' livery.
Madame Bovary
The belief that love is a finite essence that will eventually run out holds a certain logic for me even now, even if I am supposed to know better.
The Big Girls
A history of listening to Top 40 radio had left me with a ridiculous and clichéd notion of love. I had never entertained the feeling myself but knew that it meant never having to say you're sorry. It was a many-splendored thing. Love was a rose and a hammer. Both blind and all-seeing, it made the world go round.
Love differs from all the other contagious diseases: the last time a man is exposed to it, he takes it most readily, and has it the worst!
"Two Men of Sandy Bar"
Only little boys and old men sneer at love.
The Rector of Justin
If it is your time, love will track you down like a cruise missile.
attributed, The Surrendered Single
Love dwindles by pairing.
Keystones of Thought
Love is what you've been through with somebody.
Life Magazine, Mar. 14, 1960
Many great persons have been of opinion that love is no other thing than complacency itself, in which they have had much appearance of reason. For not only does the movement of love take its origin from the complacency which the heart feels at the first approach of good, and find its end in a second complacency which returns to the heart by union with the thing beloved--but further, it depends for its preservation on this complacency, and can only subsist through it as through its mother and nurse; so that as soon as the complacency ceases, love ceases.
Treatise on the Love of God
I profess not to know how women's hearts are wooed and won. To me they have always been matters of riddle and admiration. Some seem to have but one vulnerable point, or door of access; while others have a thousand avenues, and may be captured in a thousand different ways. It is a great triumph of skill to gain the former, but a still greater proof of generalship to maintain possession of the latter, for man must battle for his fortress at every door and window. He who wins a thousand common hearts is therefore entitled to some renown; but he who keeps undisputed sway over the heart of a coquette is indeed a hero.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Love is a kind of warfare.
The Art of Love
That feelings of love and hate make rational judgments impossible in public affairs, as in private affairs, we can clearly enough see in others, though not so clearly in ourselves.
The Study of Sociology
When you love someone, they become a part of who you are. They're in everything you do. They're in the air you breathe and the water you drink and the blood in your veins. Their touch stays on your skin and their voice stays in your ears and their thoughts stay in your mind. You know their dreams because their nightmares pierce your heart and their good dreams are your dreams too. And you don't think they're perfect, but you know their flaws, the deep-down truth of them, and the shadows of all their secrets, and they don't frighten you away; in fact you love them more for it, because you don't want perfect. You want them.
Lady Midnight
It is only the souls that do not love that go empty in this world.
The History of Richard Raynal, Solitary
You are worthy of love simply because you exist. Because you inhale and you exhale. You are worthy of love because you stumbled across this blog and you wanted to be encouraged, inspired and feel less alone. You are worthy of love because you have an open, beating, wildly beautiful, ever-hopeful heart. You are worthy of love because you are imperfect. Because you are built on strength and courage, curiosity and compassion. You are worthy of love because you give it and you intend to receive it. You are worthy of love because you look for the good when all you can see is the bad. You are worthy of love because you try. Because you dream. Because you are.
"You Are Worthy of Love", Confessions of a Love Addict, October 26, 2015
Love is not at the mercy of time and it does not recognize death, they are strangers to each other.
Just Above My Head
I love your letters. How far is that from saying I love you? Well--about a mile. Two miles.
The Serpents of Paradise