quotations about the Loch Ness Monster

Loch Ness Monster quote

Whatever is the truth, there is no denying that Nessie will continue to intrigue the world for years to come.


"Unseen infrared image of Loch Ness Monster Nessie to be revealed at Paranormal Festival", Scotland Now, Oct. 21, 2014

It is interesting to note that during the Second World War the German High Command had sufficient confidence in the reality of the monster to actually drop bombs in Loch Ness with the intent of destroying the creature and, thereby, damaging British morale.


Science Askew: A Light-hearted Look at the Scientific World

If Nessie is 70 to 80 feet long, swims as fast as a motorboat and looks like a long-necked dinosaur, then we saw her.


Weekly World News, July 16, 1996

The Loch Ness Monster is the world-famous creature said to inhabit Loch Ness in northern Scotland. The search for the monster has probably consumed more money, time, and newspaper space than attempts to prove the existence or otherwise of UFOs.


Seafaring Lore and Legend

The Loch Ness monster doesn't exist either. Loch Ness is just not big enough to hide a thirty foot amphibian or reptile for hundreds of years.


The Manuscript

All types of high-tech underwater contraptions have gone in after the Loch Ness Monster, but no one can find her ... Some people in Inverness aren't keen on collaring the monster, and you can't blame them: An old prophecy predicts a violent end for Inverness if the monster is ever captured.


Frommer's Great Britain

Some claim that the Loch Ness monster was first reported in A.D. 565, when St. Columba turned away a giant beast threatening a man in the Ness River, which flows into the lake. However it is only one of many Catholic Church legends about righteous saints vanquishing Satan in the form of serpents and dragons.


"Is the Loch Ness Monster Dead?", LiveScience

With all of the sightings and hunts for the monster, Loch Ness has become a popular tourist destination and interested parties can hop on a boat and travel around the loch looking for the famous monster. Of course, Nessie is discounted by scientists as a myth, but people need something to do with their free time and vacation dollars.


"The Origin of the Loch Ness Monster", Today I Found Out

In the early 1930s I, with two young partners, ran a publicity service in London. One of the partners was a native of Lossiemouth, Ramsay Macdonald's home, not far from Loch Ness. On returning from a holiday he brought us a small account. A group of hotels catering to tourists in that area wanted publicity and offered a fee of 50 pounds. We accepted.... At that time our "board room" was the saloon bar of a pub just off Trafalgar Square and over several pints of beer we became the midwives of the reborn Loch Ness Monster. All we had to do was to arrange for the Monster to be sighted. This we did and the story snowballed. Thousands went north to see it and see it they did. It was of course, pure hokum.


letter to Henry H. Bauer, The Enigma of Loch Ness: Making Sense of a Mystery

Could ... an undiscovered animal as large as the Loch Ness monster possibly exist? The answer is yes. Animals previously unknown to science have been found more than once in the past hundred years. For instance, there's the megamouth shark (megachasma pelagios), a fifteen-foot-long creature weighing nearly a ton. The first specimen was discovered on November 15, 1976, when it was found entangled in the drag anchor of a U.S. Navy ship. The new creature wasn't described scientifically until 1983 ... The megamouth remains the only species in its genus, and the only genus in its order.


The Loch Ness Monster

Well, the day that I saw the monster, it was the end of September 1990, and I was driving back from Inverness. I came up the hill where we came in sight of the bay, glanced out across it, and saw this large lump, is the best way to describe it. The nearest I can tell you is it looked like a boat that had turned upside down. Pretty much like that one out there, actually, same sort of size. If you took that boat and put it in the entrance to the bay, which is where I saw the monster, that's the size of it. About 30 feet in length, and nearly 10 feet in height from the water to the top of the back. It was a bright, sunny day, the water was bright blue, and it really showed up against it. It was a mixture of browns, greens, sludgy sort of colors. I looked at it on and off for a few seconds, because I was driving. Must have seen it three or four times, and the last time I looked, it was gone!


"The Beast of Loch Ness: Eyewitness Accounts", NOVA

New animal discoveries show that humans still have a lot to learn about the world. Just three weeks ago, scientists reported that they had discovered a new species of giant lizard in the Philippines.... The finding underscored how strange animals -- from Big Foot to Yeti to the Loch Ness monster -- may still be lurking beneath our noses.


"Loch Ness monster is real: former Scottish police chief", The Christian Science Monitor, Apr. 27, 2010

Loch Ness is a deceptive lake in more ways than one. The water that flows into the loch from surrounding rivers and streams contains a suspension of peat particles that tint the water dark brown and block sunlight from penetrating more than about 13 feet (4 m). What this means is that the vast majority of the water in the loch is never exposed to the light of day or to the eyes of curious residents, tourists, and scientists. It's the perfect place for a shy lake monster to hide.


Loch Ness Monster: Fact or Fiction?

New documents have revealed that England's Natural History Museum once allegedly hatched a plot to kill and kidnap the Loch Ness Monster, pitting the institution against the Royal Scottish Museum and stoking the ire of Scottish nationalists.


Inquisitr, Oct. 30, 2014

The first recorded sighting was in 565 AD and there have been thousands of eye witness reports since then. All these people can't be telling lies. And the fact the reports stretch over so many years mean there can't just be one of them. I'm convinced there are several monsters.


attributed, "The most convincing Nessie photograph ever: Skipper claims to have finally found proof that Loch Ness Monster exists", The Daily Mail, Aug. 3, 2012

Regardless of whether or not Nessie exists, it's fun to picture him (or her, or them) hanging out in the little man-cave trench at the bottom of Loch Ness, laughing at having baffled the public for nearly a century.


"Loch Ness Trench Spurs Monster Speculation", Discovery, January 22, 2016

The Loch Ness Monster has eluded scientists and adventurers for centuries but it may finally be solved -- after experts said it could be an umbrella stand.


"Has the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster FINALLY been solved?", Express, January 15, 2016

I saw an object surface. It was a large, black object -- a whale-like object, going from infinity up, and came round onto a block end -- and it submerged, to reappear a matter of seconds later. But on this occasion, the block end, which had been on my right, was now on my left, so I realized immediately that while in the process of surfacing, as it may, it had rotated. And with the predominant wind, the south-west wind, it appeared to be, I would say, at that stage drifting easily across.


"The Beast of Loch Ness: Eyewitness Accounts", NOVA

The Loch Ness Monster is a mixture of gas-filled vegetable mats, turbulence caused by gas escaping from faults in the bed of the loch, commonplace objects including boats and birds seen at a distance ... waves ... otters ... and doubtless other things besides.


The Elusive Monster

Unlike the bold monsters of old, "Nessie," as the Loch Ness Monster is affectionately called, is a shy, retiring creature that has never harmed a soul. Sure, it has surprised and scared a lot of people, but it has never tried to drown or eat anyone. So it's no surprise that Nessie is the most popular of all cryptids.


Loch Ness Monster: Fact or Fiction?