quotations about authority

Authority quote

When authority is backed up by an immediate physical compulsion, what we are dealing with is not authority proper (i.e. symbolic authority), but simply an agency of brute force.


Enjoy Your Symptom!

Tags: Slavoj Zizek

Authority and power are two different things: power is the force by means of which you can oblige others to obey you. Authority is the right to direct and command, to be listened to or obeyed by others. Authority requests power. Power without authority is tyranny.


"The Democratic Charter", Man and the State

Tags: Jacques Maritain, power

When each citizen submits himself to the authority of law he does not thereby decrease his independence or freedom, but rather increases it. By recognizing that he is a part of a larger body which is banded together for a common purpose, he becomes more than an individual, he rises to a new dignity of citizenship. Instead of finding himself restricted and confined by rendering obedience to public law, he finds himself protected and defended and in the exercise of increased and increasing rights.


speech, May 30, 1924

Tags: Calvin Coolidge, law

Mankind are apt to be strongly prejudiced in favor of whatever is countenanced by antiquity, enforced by authority, and recommended by custom. The pleasure of acquiescing in the decision of others is by most men so much preferred to the toil and hazard of inquiry, and so few are either able or disposed to examine for themselves, that the voice of law will generally be taken for the dictates of justice.


Works of Robert Hall with a Memoir of His Life

Tags: custom, law

Obedience to authority is deeply ingrained in us since birth. It starts with your mom and dad and expands to the rest of polite society -- your teacher, your soccer coach, the security guard who caught you and your friends trespassing when you were trying to imitate Steve-O.... Yeah, we've all been there, and you probably learned that going against authority has some sort of uncomfortable consequence.


"Use The Authority Principle To Boost Sales", Spiro, October 6, 2015

To question authority productively, to question authority wisely, we need to realize that to question something really means to seek an answer, and that ultimately authority is never really separate from us, it is us.


convocation speech delivered to Duke University Class of 2019, August 19, 2015

An institution's authority is only as good as the collective personal authority of the individuals who create and support that institution.


convocation speech delivered to Duke University Class of 2019, August 19, 2015

Oh, if Shakespeare says it, that's all right.


The Master Key

Tags: L. Frank Baum, William Shakespeare

I think it only makes sense to seek out and identify structures of authority, hierarchy, and domination in every aspect of life, and to challenge them; unless a justification for them can be given, they are illegitimate, and should be dismantled, to increase the scope of human freedom.


Language and Politics

Tags: Noam Chomsky, freedom

Showing a lack of self-control is in the same vein granting authority to others: "Perhaps I need someone else to control me."


Venus in Arms

Don't be scared by the word authority. Believing things on authority only means believing them because you've been told them by someone you think trustworthy. Ninety-nine per cent of the things you believe are believed on authority. I believe there is such a place as New York. I haven't seen it myself. I couldn't prove by abstract reasoning that there must be such a place. I believe it because reliable people have told me so. The ordinary man believes in the Solar System, atoms, evolution, and the circulation of the blood on authority -- because the scientists say so. Every historical statement in the world is believed on authority. None of us has seen the Norman Conquest or the defeat of the Armada. None of us could prove them by pure logic as you prove a thing in mathematics. We believe them simply because people who did see them have left writings that tell us about them: in fact, on authority. A man who jibbed at authority in other things as some people do in religion would have to be content to know nothing all his life.


The Case for Christianity

Tags: C. S. Lewis

Authority is by nothing so much strengthened and confirmed as by custom; for no man easily distrusts the things which he and all men have been always bred up to observe and believe; or, if he does, he will hardly hope or venture to introduce opinions wherein he knows none or few of his mind, and thinks all others will defend those already received.


"An Essay on the Original and Nature of Government"

Tags: custom

Although a person acting under authority performs actions that seem to violate standards of conscience, it would not be true to say that he loses his moral sense. Instead, it acquires a radically different focus. He does not respond with a moral sentiment to the actions he performs. Rather, his moral concern now shifts to a consideration of how well he is living up to the expectations that the authority has of him.


Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View

Tags: conscience, morality

Authority poisons everybody who takes authority on himself.


attributed, Not By Politics Alone

Tags: Vladimir Lenin

Nothing more impairs authority than a too frequent or indiscreet use of it. If thunder itself was to be continual, it would excite no more terror than the noise of a mill; and we should sleep in tranquility when it roared the loudest.


A Present for an Apprentice

When conquest is achieved, the authority of the conqueror put an end to internal strife, and the social life-conception was justified. But this justification is only temporary. Internal feuds cease only when the pressure of authority is brought to bear with greater weight upon individuals formerly inimical to one another. The violence of the internal struggle, not annihilated by authority, is the offspring of authority itself. Authority is in the hands of men who, like all the rest, are ever ready to sacrifice the common weal if their own personal interests are at stake; with the sole difference that these men, encountering no resistance from the oppressed, are wholly subject to the corrupting influence of authority itself.


The Kingdom of God is Within You

Tags: Leo Tolstoy

In the matter of boots, I defer to the authority of the bootmaker.


God and the State

Tags: Mikhail Bakunin

Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using his intelligence; he is just using his memory.


attributed, The Book of Unusual Quotations

Authority, when first detecting chaos at its heels, will entertain the vilest schemes to save its orderly facade.


V for Vendetta

Tags: chaos

Despite the extreme ease of communication afforded by modern technology, all in real authority seem to wall themselves off from any contact with customer, client or taxpayer behind impenetrable screens of anonymity or unavailability. The classic recourse is the telephone that never answers, the recorded tape loop that repeats endlessly but masks a phone that is never picked up because no one is there.


"Dangerous rift is opening up in Britain and it's deeply troubling", Express, November 7, 2015