quotations about astrology

Astrology quote

I am not psychic. I have to base everything on a mathematical chart. There are different algorithms and I put a chart together. The magical thing about astrology is you are completely unique -- no chart will ever be replicated again.


"Trump vs. Clinton: How Astrology Plays Into the 2016 Presidential Race", Fox Business, March 14, 2016

My love for astrology is a personal thing I try not to project onto those closest to me, especially non-believers. However, knowing a person's sign gives me some insight into his or her character. I always say there's no zodiac sign I can't enjoy. Knowing whether a person is a two-sided Gemini or a heart-on-sleeve Sagittarius helps me figure out the best approach to connect with him or her.


"Why I Believe In The Influence Of The Zodiac On My Life", Elite Daily, March 24, 2016

Astrology is like religion itself, in a very equivocal state. There is a well-grounded reason for belief that it is a truth; but it is impossible for any man to read the details with accuracy. The quackery of astrology lies, like Pharisaical religion, in over pretensions.


The Coming Man

Tags: religion

In defense of astrology, it can be explained that one's fate is not hopelessly written in the stars. One's astrological horoscope may be compared metaphorically to one's genetic heritage; it cannot be changed, but we can do what we may with what we are given. The astrological horoscope is simply a map of those potentials and limitations, and astrology helps decide how best to make the most of those potentials and work within limitations.


"Astrology: believe it or not?", The Paisano, March 23, 2016

You can only predict things after they have happened.



Tags: Eugene Ionesco

Astrology is like a roadmap of your life. You don't have to use your special map. You can ignore it for a while, if you choose, because you drive the car. But the more you veer off your path, the more roadblocks you'll run into and the more collisions you'll have. If you follow your map to a T, life becomes a superhighway!


Soul Mates & Hot Dates

Astrology rests on proofs which cannot be invalidated; an impartial survey of the history of mankind from the earliest traditionary records to the present day, in relation to the influences of astrology, must impress this truth deeply on the mind of every observer; the birthplace of Jesus of Nazareth was pointed out by the star, which led the shepherds of Judea to the spot where the young child was.


attributed, Day's Collacon

If astrology isn't scientific because not mechanistically deterministic, neither is that which man has called "science." If partial knowledge of laws is science, then astrology is science.


Astrology: Science of Prediction

Tags: science

But those who are of opinion that, apart from the will of God, the stars determine what we shall do, or what good things we shall possess, or what evils we shall suffer, must be refused a hearing by all, not only by those who hold the true religion, but by those who wish to be the worshippers of any gods whatsoever, even false gods. For what does this opinion really amount to but this, that no god whatever is to be worshipped or prayed to?


The City of God

Tags: St. Augustine

Astrology is like any other branch of knowledge. It can be used for good or for ill, properly or improperly, by skilled and unskilled practitioners alike.


The Astrology of the Four Horsemen

Tags: knowledge

After a duration of a thousand years, the power of astrology broke down when, with Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo, the progress of astronomy overthrew the false hypothesis upon which the entire structure rested, namely the geocentric system of the universe. The fact that the earth revolves in space intervened to upset the complicated play of planetary influences, and the silent stars, related to the unfathomable depths of the sky, no longer made their prophetic voices audible to mankind. Celestial mechanics and spectrum analysis finally robbed them of their mysterious prestige.


Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans

Tags: science

Though Astrology is like a deep ocean ... anybody can get knowledge through going deeply in water and get some drops of nectar of this divine knowledge.


Astrology and Its Utility

If astrology is like sex, astrologers are like prostitutes.


Literacy, Education and Manuscript Transmission in Byzantium and Beyond

Tags: sex, prostitution

The good Christian should beware of astrologers. The danger already exists that astrologers have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell.


On Genesis

Tags: devil, St. Augustine

He who asks fortune-tellers the future unwittingly forfeits an inner intimation of coming events that is a thousand times more exact than anything they may say. He is impelled by inertia, rather than curiosity, and nothing is more unlike the submissive apathy with which he hears his fate revealed than the alert dexterity with which the man of courage lays hands on the future.


Selected Writings

Tags: Walter Benjamin

I am of the level with common Astrologers; who, with an old paltry cant, and a few pot-hooks for planets to amuse the vulgar, have too long been suffered to abuse the world.


Predictions for the Year 1708

Tags: Jonathan Swift

For all its complexity, however, astrology remains fundamentally simple. It offers a time-honored system of symbols that sum up key aspects of human life while providing profound insights and practical guidance.


Follow the Sun: A Simple Way to Use Astrology for Living in Harmony

Astrology was so popular because it brings a sort of scientific rationale to bear on something we're all vulnerable to: a desire to know more about our own character and destiny. We really, really like knowing about ourselves. [But] in modern times, there are plenty of other candidates to fill the gap.


"Why Christianity and astrology don't mix", Christian Today, February 29, 2016

O! I am Fortune's fool.


Romeo and Juliet

Tags: William Shakespeare, fortune

By presenting ambiguous, vague answers, astrology pushes the seeker to extract information that is really not so much there in the answer but in their own subconscious. It unblocks our minds and frees them to see things in a new way.


"Unthinkable: Are scientists wrong to dismiss astrology?", The Irish Times, December 1, 2015